Dear poor mis-informed Americans,
I'm sad to say I don't agree with your quite invalid points, however I understand that your sub-standard educational system has obviously failed you.
I would like to suggest that under your Christian rules we are all sons/daughters of God, I suggest that maybe you should pursue God in your hunt for $31 trillion. If all else fails sue America, not only are they the largest nation of brainwashed Christians but the boob of a president is the reason that I am now paying 90 pence ($1.80) for a litre of petrol.
As a result of the American induced troubles in the middle-east I have been paying an additional 14 pounds a week for petrol for the last 6 years, by my calculations you owe me 4368 pounds($8299.20), I accept Cash or Cheque.
P.s. Your American spell-checker is incapable of spelling Litre correctly.
Thomas Little