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International Coalition for British Reparations: People of the World, it's Time to get Paid.

Letter To The ICBR: Re: Ridiculous


This has to be the most ridiculous idea I have ever read. You're saying that because a bunch of people did some bad things years ago, other people have to par for it just because they come from the same country? If you care so much about fairness, you tell me, how is that fair?

Not only that, your argument is severly flawed. You claim Britain "invented" the Black Plauge. Disease is not something that people "invent". Just because it occured in britain, centuries ago I might add, that means the British people of today are now responsible?

The first case of cancer was discovered in Egypt in 1600 B.C. Does that mean the egyptians owe the world money for everyone who died of cancer? Or maybe Greece does, since it was Hippocrates who first named it.

Oh and you also claim Britain "invented" child labour. Child labour was something that was going on since the dawn of time. It was in fact, Britain that first passed laws to stop child labour.

And why should just Britain pay? Why not America? Why not the country who began the cold war with Russia, accusing them of building nuclear weapons when all they had were ancient tanks of no use? Why not the country who invented the A-bomb and devastaed Japan? Why not the country that jut recently, accused Iraq of building weapons without an iota of proof and launched an all out invasion?

Britain is not without flaw. No country is without flaw. But no single country is responsible for the state the world is in. Clean up your own country first, then you can start accusing others.

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