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International Coalition for British Reparations: People of the World, it's Time to get Paid.

Letter To The ICBR: Re: Continuation


After thinking it over, I have come to the conclusion that your all nuts for seriously believing that a government would actually take heed of such outrageous clams that Britain caused the worlds problems, half of which you have made up, exaggerated or taken so far out of context that they can't be used fair-mindedly as evidence and the other half you have taken americas problems and given them Britain's name.

I'm afraid that however pointless I have decided talking to such a radical and pathetic grope as yourselves is, I can't resist highlighting some more of your moronic mistakes:

There is no such thing as the 'Black Plague', you might be thinking of the Bubonic plague otherwise known as the Black death but since you clam that Britain invented it, and not only are plagues discovered not invented but the Black Death was discovered in Europe not Britain, this cannot be the case.

And to finish with, here is my all time favorite. Ireland, Scotland and Wales can't sue Britain, THEY ARE BRITAIN! you have to be immensely thick to not notice that one, seriously, you people must have really been grabbing at straws when you came up with that.

I think that what I'm trying to say is that what you have come up with is pretty much a load of bull shit, but not only is it that but its insulting, raciest bull shit for those sorts of daft radicals that makes up about 2% of world society.

I hope you people get your comeuppance for the slander you have invented in your efforts to stir up racial hate.

Long live the Empire, God Save the Queen
Will Timms

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