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International Coalition for British Reparations: People of the World, it's Time to get Paid.

Letter To The ICBR: Re: Some Scottish Love


Grasses' book would have been so much better if Grasse had stuck his finger up his nose, poked a little higher and found a brain to use in this book then, we could have had a really good laugh. This was not to be the case as Grasse has no comprehension and lacks experience with the written English Language and sadly can't even differentiate between sarcasm and good humour.

How Britain became an Empire is both great and sad....We all have a past, some with a past of shame going back 100's of years whilst, OTHER Countries a shameful past of only yesteryears and actually we have said sorry, he just forgot to research it yet alone mention it.

Supercilious, misinformed and at the very least asinine, would be understatements to describe Grasses' ignorance. The lack of truth, research or as he would like you to believe "humour" is in fact non-existent. So, one can only assume it was published because Quirk and Grasse wanted to be the first to show the world "Nonsensical publishing pays"!

Incidentally, the English do not think they are superior it is only that they speak English as it was intended to be spoken - we have not changed the language by putting an annoying whine to it which, brings me back to your book STOP WHINING and get used to the fact that you are a disliked nation and are the cause of TODAY'S DESTRUCTION!

Sincerely Not Yours

Dee Burnett (Yes Scottish Name)

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